Where To Find Us

The space

OUr Spaces

How We work

In person counselling sessions are provided in a private office at one of our three locations in Estevan, Weyburn, and Oxbow. We strive to meet the needs in each community we serve with a variety of accessible supports.

VIrtual and phone sessions are also available. We provide online sessions on a secure online platform that makes counselling available to anyone in Saskatchewan. 

Estevan, SK

902 4th Street, Estevan, SK

Our primary office is located in Estevan, with a convenient location and ample parking for accessibility. In our Estevan office is another social worker and speech and language pathologist.

Weyburn, SK

433 4 St #106, Weyburn, SK S4H 0Y8

Our Weyburn location offers a nice, cozy office in a shared space with Sun Country Hearing. All sessions remain private.

Oxbow, SK

119 Railway Ave, Oxbow, SK S0C 2B0

In Oxbow, our private counselling services are offered at the R.M. of Enniskillen Wellness Centre. Contact us for details and availibility.


(306) 421-6176

Find Your Path

Land Acknowledgement

Prairie Pathways Services is located on Treaty 4 territory, which is the sovereign territory of the Anihšinābēk, Nêhiyawak, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota Peoples, and the homelands of the Métis Nation. We recognize the harm done to Indigenous communities and peoples throughout our shared history and are committed to meaningful and actionable reconciliation.